Friday, February 20, 2009

coming soon

(me this morning before heading out)

I have had this weird obsession this week with the myers-briggs personality test. My co-worker at catholic social services carrie and I were talking about it the other day and I was filled with this huge desire to know my type. I had tested this summer as, an ESTJ which is often referred to as leader, or overseeer. I was the only one in our Mission Year city to test this way, and I just wasn't sure that it was me. So this week I took the myers-briggs test roughly 10 times and came up with a lot of different things. I am a little crazy. The one that I think is it is actually ESFJ, extroverted (just slightly), sensing, feeling, and judging. Here is a little blurb about the ESFJ person.
"ESFJs are responsible, dutiful, observe traditions and follow rules. ESFJs have a deep concern for others and often end up as caretakers. They are sensitive to criticism and have a need to be appreciated for the good they do for others. ESFJs are understanding, generous, have a quick wit and a knack for composition and beautification."
I am not positive that this is me, but it is the closest I have gotten, so let the crazy obsessing end.

Next. I had a really good week with God. He revealed a lot to me, but mostly how I struggle so much with seeing myself I worthy. I had it thrown in my face this week, (in a good way) that God loves me exactly where I am at spiritual, physically, and emotionally. Last night at city-wide the guy that spoke talked about John 15, the vine and the branches. This passage in the past has always made me nervous about my fruit production and how I was doing on the works end of things. I actually didn't like it very much. But last night we talked about how the only imperative/command in that section of scriptures is to abide in God. Not to go and bear fruit. He doesn't tell us to bear fruit he just asks us to abide in Him. Thats it! The message translations actually says to make your home in Him. So that is what I am dwelling on, simply making my home in God. Mission Year can be dangerous because we 'do' so much. We volunteer and try to help people and it can get a little defeating at times when things don't go how you think they should, or if things go really good you start thinking that you are pretty awesome. This puts it in to perspective for me, and I needed that.

I wrote and article for our local paper this week about my team. I made up all the quotes because my roommates wouldn't give me any. Here is the link if you want to check it out. So speaking about my team, starting next week I am going to start doing video interviews of my roommates to post on this blog. I got a new computer for christmas and it has a web cam built in and I feel like I should use it for something. So after reading the articles if you have any questions for my rommates post them in the comments and I will ask them live, on my blog. I know it's a little nerdy, but I appreciate weird things like this and most of my friends so as well.

Peace out.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

LOVE part 2

I realize that when I titled my last blog post, LOVE, people may have thought that I was in love. But actually I am not in love. Not in love with a specific person. But there are lots of things that I love.

· I love natural peanut butter…I have been stockpiling three jars that I brought home from Christmas. Central market brand is my favorite.
· I love reading a book that will make me laugh out loud. I tend to not love the heart-wrenching serious stuff that makes me cry. For example I just read this book called, Belong to Me by Marisa de los Santos. It was yes, a little shallow with a predicatalbe happy ending, but I laughed so much that I looked a little crazy.

· I love when my best friend Brooke draws pictures that are hilarious and confusing at the same time and mails them to me. (i.e. a fairy with a semi-automatic weapon)
· I love snow days.
· I love dancing in my living room with my roommates trying to burn off the calories we just ate at dinner.
· I appreciate, and maybe even love a good cardigan, especially in this climate.
· I love good music, and finding good new music. Current loves are The Welcome Wagon, Fiction Family, and Feist. I love learning a CD and knowing where are the good lines and songs are.

· I love going to sleep when it is raining.
· I love a lot of housewifey things like baking, cooking, sewing, and crafting. I realize all of these are a little old lady-ish, but I actually do love doing all of these things. I also get a sick thrill out of cleaning out the refrigerator. Like taking everything out of it, scrubbing it, and then organizing it. I really don’t like to clean anything else.
· I love the book of Isaiah in the bible.
· I love discovering new books and authors. This year I have discovered Nouwen, Thurman, Manning, and Varnier.

· I love finishing a journal I have been writing in for a long time.
· I love my friends that I went to college with. The ones I lived with and the ones I didn’t. I had way too much fun, and I am only now realizing how lucky I was.

· I love and sometimes hate community.
· I do love my family as well…which is good because I will see them tomorrow!
I hope this post wasn’t too sickening.

Friday, February 6, 2009


I am happy to share with you all Mission Years February plug for funds. If you feel like giving, mission year is a completely legit organization that if a worth wile use of your funds. Think about it.

I will write a real blog soon. Currently I am really tired though and I can't think straight enough to get any thoughts together.

love love love,
